Photo: Zambian High Commission in Pretoria

This article was written by Satusile Mgode, a second year student at the University of Zambia. Her twitter handle is @Nsaatuu. I have permission to repost the article. Enjoy

Sunday October 18th, 2015, has been declared day of National Prayer and Fasting for reconciliation and forgiveness. Inevitably, this declaration has brought about a great aura of controversy among the people. I too have some views on this matter.

To begin with, much as having a day when the nation prays and fasts together is not a written down way of solving economic,social and political problems: I feel the power that lies in prayer should never be under estimated. As a declared Christian nation, individual prayers should be a part of our daily lives. And as such, praying at national level should not be a matter of such great concern and controversy.

The fuss about the chosen date for this national event, and what it could denote is a very sad misconception. I mean: 7+11=18, 10+8=18 and so is 3+3+12=18. So for one to choose to amplify 6+6+6=18 just goes to show that fault finders will always find the faults they seek.

From what I know, it is not compulsory for everyone to actively participate by praying and fasting on the set date. Those who decide to take part should have sincere intentions and strive not to make a 'name' or a show out of it. Others who are not compelled towards the cause should not ridicule those with the conviction. I do believe that if two or more people would GENUINELY take the nation's burdens before God, there could be a difference.

Furthermore, Christianity as a religion, and prayer as a sacred act should go beyond political barriers. If anything, it should be the one thing that makes people lay aside any known differences and unite for a common cause. Having said that, I earnestly seek that our leaders may be guided by scriptures such as "Faith without works is dead" and as a result be inspired to work as diligently as they are willing to pray. If that is done, i believe we will all witness the fruition of the pleas that will be made through prayer.

Finally, whether or not I will fast and pray together with the nation is not a stance I'll openly declare. However, it is my sincere prayer that the activity may not be treated as a joke. And if the Lord tarries, I pray great testimonies may follow. 

One Zambia. One Nation.
